
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

What will yo do? SPA Interview..

Okeh suppose aku patut start bace and try to remember what is 1 malaysia,
what is Goverment Transformation Program..
that aku slalu lupa what does NKRA macam bley igt la..
kalo esok??ingatkah aku kepada 7 nationak key result area nih?
untuk pertama kalinya aku rase apa yang aku post ni memberi keilmuan ataupun.
lebih tepat skemas..
Hoi, kalo la aku bley remember kabinet2 malaysia 2012, bonus tuh.
then kalo bley igt what is 1malaysia, 1care, kilinik 1 malaysia suma..
and yang paling best..what am i doing in this blog?
still blogging?
why x pegi bace je skang??
sebab otak sedang tepu kjap..not that i memorize all..
but my hand were tired..
writing all sorts of stuff in the paper to memorize kot..or at least try paham..
kot2 la igt kan..
aku sgt berdoa there are no one from KKM datang to our group interview..
sdeyla kalo ada..terpakse pkai logik akal..
tapi kalo xley pakai logik bagaimanakah..?

owh ya..slamat hari wilayah ! 
Saya lahir di Wilayah Persekutuan..tapi perlis malangnye xcuti..
and yang paling best aku oncall for sabtu and ahad ni..haih +___+

okeh enuf..
ada lahi roughly around 10 hours je lagi to the interview..
which I think i will sleep late kot tonyte.

p/s: yang x best tu budak dah abes temuduga kene ikut ward rounds aneast for 8a.m tomoro..
shoot ahh..baru igt nak tido, qada apa yang terjadi..berserah pada Allah after dah tempuhi temuduga itu..adoi..

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